Impressive Nigel
31st March 2016
When Dav Morrow was presented to Nigel Higginson as his successor in the chair of Garnet Mark Lodge No 146 the usual questions were put to him to ensure that he was properly qualified and that the right procedures had been followed.
Nigel Higginson, Andy Whittle, Dav Morrow, Tony Cross and Stuart Brackstone
It was later pointed out by lodge stalwart Peter Mason that it was likely that it was due to happenings in the Garnett Lodge that those questions were now asked when Masters Elect were presented. Of which more later!

Representing the RW Provincial Grand Master Keith Beardmore at the proceedings in Lancaster Masonic Hall was his Senior Warden Andy Whittle. Providing support to Andy was Junior Warden Tony Cross along with special representative Stuart Brackstone.
Carl Hayhurst, Stuart Leach, Peter Mason, Andy Whittle, Dav Morrow, Bob Palmer and Chris Larder
The many visitors included a good number of the noisy neighbours from the top end of the province who had made the journey around Morecambe Bay.
They were able to witness Nigel install Dav in a quite impeccable manner. Nigel provided not only a word perfect ceremony but also one conducted with great sincerity. It was a pleasure to listen to.
Nigel was a hard act to follow but the others who took part in the ceremony backed him up in fine style. Peter Mason presented and explained the keystone collaret and jewel, Stuart Leach undertook the address to the new WM, Carl Hayhurst gave the oration to the Wardens, Bob Palmer that to the Overseers and Andy was made to sing for his supper and gave the address to the Brethren.
Standing Norman Mitchell and Doug Willoughby,
and seated Stuart Brackstone, Andy Whittle and Dav Morrow
However special mention must be given to junior member Chris Larder who gave a faultless presentation of the working tools of the degree.
To mark the occasion Nigel presented Andy with a cheque for £500 in favour of the West Lancashire Mark Charity.
At the installation banquet the Brethren learnt that Dav is a special needs teacher and that he is much in demand as a trombone player. He plays in brass bands, jazz ensembles and big bands. His preparation for the installation had included taking a seven day trip to Italy with a 44 piece school band.
In a somewhat poignant speech at the banquet Nigel paid tribute to his good friend and proposer Ieuan Michael Davies who had passed to the grand lodge above in September last year and whose Past Master’s jewel had been presented to him during the ceremony. Michael had encouraged Nigel to join a Mark lodge outside of the Furness and South Lakeland group where he practiced his craft masonry. He had found it to be an excellent move in widening his horizons and increasing his circle of masonic friends.
Some of the Furness contingent
All in all it proved a very successful evening due in no small part to the efforts of director of ceremonies Norman Mitchell and secretary Doug Willoughby whose work behind the scenes, although in the main unnoticed, proved vital vital in ensuring the smooth running of the evening.
But what about the questions?
Originally Garnett Mark Lodge was in fact Moore Mark Lodge established in 1872 and named after its principle founder Dr John Daniel Moore. The lodge seemed to go from strength to strength until in 1894 Bro. Tatham was installed as WM. Unfortunately it would seem he was not suitably qualified and had not been regularly elected. In short he could not answer yes to most of the questions a Master Elect now has put to him prior to the installation. The research by Peter Mason indicates that the questions may not have been put at that time and it is indeed feasible that the inclusion of them in the ceremony is a direct result of the indiscretions of Moore Mark Lodge.
Above and below general views
Enquiries, appeals and submissions to the Province and Board of General Purposes followed but the lodge was fined, censured and appears to have been in limbo for the next five years.
Stuart Brackstone and Andy Whittle
It was then resurrected in 1900 by Capt. Charles Henry Garnett. Soon afterwards a petition was raised and the name was changed to its present one.
Your intrepid newshound at work!
Should you wish to learn more I am sure Peter Mason would be pleased to email you a copy of the history of Garnett Mark Lodge which is a most interesting read.
Article and Photographs Courtesy of Dave Sear